COVID-19 Update
Hello Beraca Community,
In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19, we are working around the clock to provide you with up-to-date information. Beraca Baptist Church will continue to host services and activities—with certain government mandated restrictions– during April.
Worship services will also be available online.
Join Us live.
(Sundays at 8:00 a.m.)
Beraca Baptist Church has chosen to respond to this health crisis by Closing its doors. After careful consideration, we have decided this is what is best for our community at this time.
- We are loving our neighbors by protecting our neighbors.
- We are not being fearful. We are being responsible.
- This is what love requires of us in this season.

“Stay blessed. Be safe inside a lovely house.”

A message from
Pastor Mullery Jean Pierre
Hello Beraca Family,
It is important that we do our part to remain healthy and safe during the coronavirus epidemic. Regular hand washing, use of sanitizers, proper social distancing and wearing masks and gloves are all ways to protect yourself.
Wearing masks is one of the most popular means of protection, and for good reason. However, it is imperative that we are careful and use them properly. Dr. Dennis A. Castro has some alarming facts about the prolonged use of masks:
Prolonged use of masks produces hypoxia (an absence of oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions).
Breathing exhaled air over and over turns into carbon dioxide, which is why we feel dizzy. This intoxicates the user and even more so as he moves and carries out displacement actions.
Prolonged usage of masks causes discomfort, loss of reflexes and conscious thought.
Prolonged usage of masks generates great fatigue.
In addition, oxygen deficiency may cause glucose intolerance and endangered lactic acid rise.
Some people drive their cars while wearing a mask. This is very dangerous because the stale air can cause the driver to lose consciousness.
It is recommended to use masks only when you have someone in front of you or very close, and it is important to remember to lift the mask off your face every 10 minutes to continue feeling healthy.
Lifting the mask off of your face every 10 minutes is particularly essential for those serving the public, wearing masks for 8 hours or more. Prolonged mask usage may have essential workers intoxicating themselves unknowingly.
Beraca Family, please continue to take care of yourselves. Be mindful of the dangers associated with masks. This information is not intended to discourage you from using masks but to encourage you to use them wisely.
We continue to pray for your health. We will also continue to provide you with wisdom and knowledge as it becomes available.
May God bless and keep you,
Pastor Mullery Jean-Pierre
Senior Pastor

Our House
OFFICE: Beraca has closed its offices as a precautionary measure and will determine on a week by week basis when to reopen. You can reach us via text or email at: beracabc@gmail.com
MINISTRIES: All ministry activities & meetings onsite and offsite of Beraca’s facilities are suspended until further notice.
SMALL GROUP: All Small Group meetings are suspended until further notice.
SERVICES: Sunday and Friday services are Live-streamed weekly. Please sign up for your subscription with YouTube.

Prayer Conference Call
5. NEW PRAYER CONF. CALL: Beraca will have a 12:00 noon prayer call Monday through Friday. Here’s the new conference call number: Phone #: (717) 275-8941 Code: 6194013
6. Online giving is available through Zelle. Zelle is available through most online banking services. The Zelle app can also be downloaded via the App Store or Google Play. Our Zelle account details:
Email: beraca9602@gmail.com
For more information on Zelle and using Zelle safely, please click on the tab below.

Historically, during times of crises, giving to the local church (as well as charitable donations to organizations) are expected to decrease, however, it is important that we continue to worship with our giving. It is imperative for members (especially those in ministry) to continue to support faithfully.

7. MINISTRY CHATS: Please encourage members to remain in prayer. Do not allow any correspondence on any text or email threads or WhatsApp chats that are not Beraca or ministry related. Monitor the coronavirus information flowing in your chat. We do not want anyone communicating wrong information on any Beraca chats.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would love to receive encouraging messages or updates about what is happening around the community, please feel free to give us a call or click below:

Know Your Community
Discover what is happening around Canarsie and Brooklyn. Find activities and events held by the community to enrich not only yourself, but those around you.
In the coming weeks, we will list various resources that may be a support to you during the pandemic. We will also share upcoming volunteer opportunities for you to be a blessing to your neighbors and your community. Please join us in giving your time, your efforts and your resources to serve the most vulnerable members of our community.
Please pass this information on to your loved ones and friends in the community. Please be safe. We love you and we are here for you.
Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation as we weather this season. We are praying for you.
May God bless you,

Senior Pastor Mullery Jean-Pierre
Beraca Baptist Church