About Our Ministries
Welcome to the Beraca Baptist Church Ministries Page. We place a high value on our ministry and its ministry workers serving together. We recognize that each person brings his/her own gifts, abilities and strengths to the team, and we appreciate what you will contribute as you serve the Lord faithfully at Beraca Baptist Church.
1 Peter 4:10, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” We desire that you allow the Holy Spirit to utilize your individual gifts and blend them with the gifts of others in fulfilling the common work of ministry at Beraca Baptist Church.
Christian Education
"Facilitate the Sharing/Learning of word of God in a fellowship style environment, so that the people of God in Beraca may grow in wisdom, understanding and the knowledge of God for a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.”
Children's Church
"We desire to lead children into a personal dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and to equip children to grow in that relationship. "in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and Man." ~ Luke 2:52 ”
Men’s Ministry
"Men's Ministry is a positive resource helping men transform and develop; the character to become better husbands, fathers, God’s servants, and leaders through Jesus Christ. ”
Women’s Ministry
"Women's Ministry is designed to build, strength and empower women to deepen their relationship with Christ.”
Children's Ministry
"We delight in providing our children with a true experience with God, which is accomplished through sound, biblically-based teaching, in a fun environment and a staff that loves what they do. ”
Young Adults' Ministry
"Young Adults' Ministry is a passionate group of young men and women who wants nothing more than to share the good news, support and encourage one another to embark on this amazing journey of knowing Christ. ”
Hospitality Ministry
"We as a ministry is called by God in many ways, one way is by loving. In Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,." Come join us as we serve God together."
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
"We are a group of people devoted to the ministry of prayer and intercession."
Home Visitation Ministry
"Our Home Visitation Ministry a group of people committed to the ministry of visiting others,fellowship and growing in Christ whether ill, disability challenges or even just fine we are here for you."
Parenting Ministry
" We are a group of people equipped and supportives parents in rising up God-honoring and God-fearing children"
Mentoring Ministry
"This ministry is designed to match children and youths with caring adults who will motivate, empower, and encourage them to sharpen their full God given abilities and potentials to be positive decision makers, successful and responsible young adults. ”
Single Parents' Ministry
"Single Parent's Ministry is designed to give single parents a platform where they can not only be open and heard but even more importantly, where they can be understood."
Video Ministry
"Serving in the ministry is never about doing a favor to God and others but, it should always be about building the body of Christ.”
Sound Ministry
"As our sixth president John Quincy Adams stated once: “DUTY IS OURS. RESULTS ARE GOD’S. “
Retreat Ministry
"The retreat is prayerfully and strategically plan inclusively for you and exclusively for God’s glory. “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31... Come be our guest! Registration is open. ”
Usher Ministry
"We as a ministry is called by God in many ways, one way is by Serving. In Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Come join us as we serve God together."