Thanksgiving Retreat
Via YouTube,
Facebook, & Livestream

Thanksgiving Retreat
Via YouTube,
Facebook, & Livestream

Remember And Return

Welcome to Beraca Baptist Church’s 34th annual Thanksgiving retreat. This year brought unprecedented challenges to everyone on this planet. Nevertheless, we are grateful to God that you can join us virtually for three nights on November 25-27 for a special Thanksgiving retreat in a relevant, accessible format.

Our theme this year is “Remember and Return” (Revelation 2:1-5). As the church doors have reopened, many have traded in sweatpants or pajamas for their Sunday Best and live streams from laptops over balconies and pews. This is the new normal of worship services. Or is it?  Many of us who watched services regularly at the start of the pandemic doesn’t even tune in as much anymore. Some have since abandoned the faith. For those of us who are physically able, we have returned to work. We have returned to school. We’ve even started our holiday shopping at department stores or gone to the movies. Every institution or business we frequent is subject to safety protocols yet the church remains the last place we’ve returned to. 

This Thanksgiving, you are invited to Remember and Return. Remember your first love (Rev. 2:5) and return to the House of God (Heb. 10:25). Beraca Baptist Church’s annual Thanksgiving retreat will help draw you back into fellowship. Nearly two years into a pandemic and the world is still grappling with the effects of isolation and loneliness. Join us, along with your families, and go into the presence of the Lord together. The Bible warns us not to fall away from the faith or fellowship for good reason. We are stronger together and we all play a part in advancing the Kingdom. We all need a place to belong. Here it is. Welcome Home!

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Retreat Details :

Date & Time:
Thursday November 25,  – Saturday November 28,  All Day Event

Includes room and meals: At Your own convenience

Retreat caters to:

  • Everyone: Children, Youth, Young Adults, Adults, Married Couples, Seniors
  • Group workshops
  • Fellowship services
  • Concerts
  • Intercessory prayer 
  • Panel Discussion
  • And much more!