Media Ministry
We exist to serve and worship God with our gifts and talents in a manner that is worthy of Him. We will do so with an attitude of humility and prayer making God, family, and Beraca Baptist Church’s discipline a priority. We will seek excellence through good planning, preparation and practice. We will also serve other ministries, helping them to be more effective in ministering to others.
About Us
Welcome to the Media Ministry page of Beraca Baptist Church. Beraca Baptist Church Media Ministry is not looking for people with skills and abilities but is seeking people with a heart for service. The Media Ministry is all about serving the Lord Jesus-Christ through serving others. The mindset of desiring to be a member of this Ministry should be that of servant but not out of selfish ambition and pride. Serving in the ministry is never about doing a favor to God and others but, it should always be about building the body of Christ. A distortion of this truth about ministry can only lead to ineffective and mediocre results.
The goal of the Media Ministry is to give our best to God by perfecting and using our gifts to the greatest good of others. With this ministry we want to attract as many people as possible to our church family through the various means that technology makes available to us. There is great joy and satisfaction that comes from serving others in that capacity. The Apostle Paul told the church at Galatia “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else.” (Galatians 6:4). We work as a team, learn from each other and avoid competition within ourselves and with other ministries. In the Media Ministry we strive to give our best because God has given to us his best. Our ultimate goal is to please Him.
with Love,
Media Ministry Committee
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B.C.D.C Spring 2025 Fundraising GalaMarch 25, 2025/0 Comments
Young Adults MinistryJanuary 25, 2024/
Young Adults MinistryJanuary 25, 2024/
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We exist to serve and worship God with our gifts and talents in a manner that is worthy of Him. We will do so with an attitude of humility and prayer making God, family, and Beraca Baptist Church’s discipline a priority. We will seek excellence through good planning, preparation and practice. We will also serve other ministries, helping them to be more effective in ministering to others.
God our Creator is very creative, very detailed and structured. We look for these qualities in individuals aspiring to become members of the Media ministry. We may not all share the same qualities and may not have the same personalities but we unite ourselves to accomplish a common goal as team. Because God is a God of Hierarchy, a God of orderliness, he entrusted the direction of the Media Ministry to one individual who is working conjointly with many other teams. Nevertheless we all parts of the same ministry functioning under the same vision to further God’s kingdom. We encourage teamwork and we value every member of the Ministry. We are very much interested in the spiritual growth of our members and it is a must for every one of them to participate in the small group’s bible studies, the Friday night’s prayer meetings and the worship services on Sundays. We are not looking for perfection but we are looking for people who are striving to become more like Christ. Therefore any ungodly attitude and behavior will be addressed as the bible prescribes.
In Galatians 6: 1 -5 the bible says: “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, we who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or we also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way we will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load.
As a team, we sharpen each other intellectually and spiritually; we also meet each other’s need to our best ability. The tasks in the ministry are distributed evenly and every team member is responsible to fulfill their duty for the burden not to fall unto somebody else. We strive for excellence in our service to God and his people.

- To join the Media Ministry, one must be baptized and be a member in good standing with Beraca Baptist Church.
- An attitude of respect, discipline and responsibility is required of every member of the Media Ministry
- Members must be punctual and must respect the time limit set to prepare for every event.
- Every assignee should be there 45min for cameras and 30 min for projection. to prepare for an event. (To ensure that everything is ready to be used)
5. Any absence or lateness should be notified in advance, giving time enough to the Leader to make necessary changes. (A day in advance, the night before for emergencies)
6. No assignee should take it on their own to find a replacement. The Leader should be notified and the decision about a replacement, his to make. (He must know and agree with the choice)
7. Members of the Media Ministry should not allow anyone who is not part of the Ministry to be seating or chatting in the sound booth. No kids allowed.
8. Assignee must be attentive to every sector and area covered by the Media Ministry the pulpit, the stage, the pews, the band, & live stream and the whole sanctuary.
9. Assignee must not be day dreaming or distracted by: telephone, nail cutting and the internet. They must always be on alert and ready to correct any unexpected occurrence that can distract the flow of the service. An assignee must pay attention.
10. No food and or any kind of beverage are allowed in the booth. (No food in the sanctuary)
11. No Media ministry instruments should be taken out of the booth or the sanctuary without the knowledge of the Leader of the ministry.
12. The booth should not remain unattended; an assignee should always be on sight.
13. Hierarchy must be respected to assure the well functioning of the Ministry. An attitude of unity transparency and respect must be given to every member of the ministry.
14. Every member of the Media Ministry must attend another day aside from Sunday for praying, training and practicing.
15. Members who forfeit these laws will be reprimanded; one time a second time and eventually dismissed if the behavior persists.
16. Members of the Media Ministry must be available on Saturdays. Saturday meetings are imperative.
17. Members must attend seminars on their subject (Media seminars) and all Beraca events whether it is in the church or outside of the church. (Camp retreat a must) Any absence must be notified.

18. Any conflict with the yearly schedule must be addressed as soon as possible.
19. Every member of the Media Ministry must be able to manage a full function of Beraca Baptist Church meaning: the Sunday morning services, concerts and plays and other events.
20. Members of the Media Ministry must be flexible and must be willing to invest times in acquiring knowledge about their craft. A quarterly meeting for evaluation is a must to ensure that everyone is continually growing.
21. Members of the Media Ministry must:
A) Show ability in assigned areas and display capacity to deal with trouble shooting before being left alone in the booth. Otherwise they have to be supervised by an elder in the Ministry.
B) Be familiar with critical technical components to be better prepared to fulfill a task ahead.
22. Everybody must know their role in the Ministry and should be notified of a weekly task in advance
23. Members of the Media ministry must attend regularly the Friday night’s prayer meetings and worship services.
24. Every member of the Media Ministry must take the classes 101 to 401. It is a requirement to be in ministry
25. A regular time of prayer and sharing God’s word must be establish to ensure that all members are growing spiritually.

- Stay focused.
- Think ahead and be ready for your next task.
- Reliability and flexibility.
- Patience
- Team effort.
- Willingness to learn