Thanksgiving Retreat 2019 Sign Up Today

Beraca Baptist Church 9602 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Thanksgiving Retreat 2019 Theme: WAKE UP! Revelation 3:2 Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight […]

BCGM First Time Home Buyers  Workshop

Beraca Baptist Church 9602 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

BCGM First Time Home Buyers  Workshop October 26th 10-3pm Information: Real Estate Attorney, Real estate Broker, Mortgage Broker, Home Inspectors, Accountant, and Pre-approval for Mortage. Come Join Us For more […]

Movie Night: Women’s Ministry

Beraca Baptist Church 9602 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Women's Ministry Presents Movie Night "Nothing To Lose"  Sunday October 26th, 2019 @7:00 PM Come Join Us

Let’s Talk: Young Adults’ Ministry

Beraca Baptist Church 9602 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Young Adult Ministry Presents Let's Talk Sunday September 27th, 2019 @3:00 PM   “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”… what many of us don’t have is discipline and 100% faith that […]

Prayer & Fasting

Prayer & Fasting  Saturday October 28th at 9 AM - 12 PM   Come Join Us  

New Memeber Orientation

New Memeber Orientation Today November 3, 2019 @ 5Pm -7pm Discover who we are as we get to know you more. Come Join Us as We grow together For More […]

Friendsgiving Feast : Young Adults’ Ministry

Beraca Baptist Church 9602 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Young Adult Ministry Presents Friendsgiving Feast  Sunday, November 10th, 2019 @3:00 PM All are welcoming! Tell us what you Thankful for, We are Thankful for you! Come Join Us