On May 27th, 2019, I went on a missions trip with Beraca Baptist Church in Jacmel, Haiti. Going there was one of the best decisions I made this year. I wholeheartedly believe that because it’s always a good thing to help others in need. As Proverbs 14:31 says, “Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”
Our travel to Haiti went smoothly. When I got to Haiti, I was
amazed to see the wonderful things that God was doing through Beraca Baptist
Church there. I was truly impressed with the organizers of our trip and the
collaboration that went into making our time there a great success! I
personally had the privilege of using my talents in the pharmacy department
where medical attention was most needed. It was humbling to see how patient and
grateful our patients were. It became obvious very quickly that they
desperately needed our help. Thankfully, we were able to provide a number of
families food, clothing, shoes, medical treatment and medication.
I can honestly say that God used me in a marvelous way. I
thank Him for that. Whether or not you have a medical background, I want you to
know that there is a place for you to serve on the mission field. I strongly
encourage everyone to go on a missions trip and see for themselves. God wants
to do great things through you.