I knew I was ready for this mission trip, I just knew it. I didn’t know what to expect but I fasted and prayed and asked God to order my steps and to use me according to His will.
As much as I wanted to participate, I didn’t foresee any of the challenges that would come my way once I made up my mind to go.
It was a very challenging and scary time before the trip. Three weeks before the trip, my son Damian had two seizures and was rushed to the ER. He had no prior history of seizures, so you can imagine what we endured as parents. At one point, I texted Pastor. Lesly and told him to put my trip on hold. I don’t think I will make it, I texted. I didn’t know what to do. But I trusted God. When Pastor Emmanuel Jean asked me for my decision, I told him I was going and that God is in control.
The Saturday before the trip, my husband Jhon spent the day in the ER. Now, you know the devil was at work. But my God is all powerful. Jhon came home the same Saturday. Getting closer to our departure date, I wasn’t comfortable leaving my family behind didn’t after all we just experienced. I was concerned about how Jhon felt, even though I had a pressing conviction that I had to go. I made sure I left my house in order. On the first day of the trip, Pastor Willie said something very powerful during our devotion time and that brought me the peace I needed.
He said, “God sent you to do His work and He is taking of your business that you left behind.”
This lifted my spirits. Pastor Willie made sure, every night after dinner, to leads us in prayer. Our families were prayed for, too. Prayer and family was at the center of everything.
In Haiti, the needs are so great. There is so much to do, but it’s up to us to help our fellow countrymen. The government isn’t helping. These people are the forgotten ones. Most of the people we met never saw a doctor in their lives. The fact that we were able to provide just a little relief, it makes a tangible difference. We provided a hot meal and a week’s supply of uncooked. You have no idea how important that is to an individual or a family. I’ve heard many critiques about how and why we go on mission trips, what’s the long term plan, etc. My answer is simple: Men ampil, chai pa lou. You doing your part, that’s all that matters. God can do so much with our little. You may not be able to go physically, but if you can help financially, any way you can, just do it. I can personally guarantee you, you won’t regret it. I saw where 100 percent of every dollar or penny you send goes. Your money helps to change lives.
My heart belongs on the mission field. I experienced great peace and felt like I was fulfilling my purpose while in Haiti every time I put a smile on someone’s face administering a pain killer. And on the last clinical stop, the locals were calling me by my name. How about that?!
I’ll leave you with this quote by President John F.Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”